This form of psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease that mainly affects:
- Palms.
- Areas between the fingers.
- Hands.
Most often, people suffering from this form of the disease develop serious psychological complexes.
This form of the disease does not pose a serious threat to human life, however, with the development of severe forms, this disease can be accompanied by the development of a number of very serious complications.
One of the most common complications is damage to the joint area of the lower and upper extremities. This complication leads to the development of psoriatic arthritis. This disease is quite dangerous, as it can lead to the development of temporary disability and even disability.
Most people suffering from hand psoriasis are diagnosed with lesions that appear specifically on the palms and soles.
This form of the disease causes the patient a lot of different inconveniences, since the main foci of the development of this disease cannot be hidden under clothing, and the formation of cracks is accompanied by the appearance of painful sensations.
The lesions themselves are small plaques, pink in color. The plaques stand out strongly above the surface of the skin and eventually become covered with gray scales.
In some cases, the formation of yellow pustules is observed.
The main symptoms of the development of this form of the disease:
- Dry skin.
- Thickening of the skin.
- The appearance of redness.
- Appearance of cracks.
- The appearance of callus-like formations.
Among the many factors that can provoke the disease are:
- Allergic reactions;
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas;
- Excess weight;
- Metabolism and endocrine system dysfunction;
- Hereditary predisposition;
- Chronic depression, stress or nervous tension.
As we have already noted, the exact causes of psoriasis have not yet been determined. Experts have not been able to establish exactly what causes psoriasis and in what cases it appears.
At the same time, diseases or moments that provoke skin damage in the patient have been identified:
- Heredity.
- Immune system disorders and metabolic problems.
- Psycho-emotional overload.
- Bad habits and eating disorders.
- General intoxication.
- Viruses, bacteria, fungal infections.
- With a sharp change in climatic living conditions.
- In case of chronic skin disease.
- If the patient takes medications of different pharmacological groups for a long time.
Sometimes the manifestation of the disease can occur if a person uses detergents that deprive the skin of its natural covering. It is important to remember that since psoriasis is not contagious, you do not need to be overly concerned with personal hygiene.
Various factors can cause eczema on the hands:
- hereditary predisposition;
- weakened immunity;
- disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine glands;
- changes in hormonal levels;
- chronic diseases;
- infections;
- nervous tension;
- frequent stress;
- constant exposure to chemicals (detergents, paints, solvents) on the skin;
- uncontrolled use of medications (for example, anti-inflammatory drugs);
- clothing made from synthetic fabrics;
- rings and bracelets made of certain alloys;
- cheap low-quality cosmetics;
- pollen;
- Poplar fluff;
- animal hair;
- insect bites;
- mold;
- house dust;
- helminthic infestations;
- some food products.
The mechanism of psoriasis has not been fully established, but it has been found that it is caused by a violation of skin cell division, in which diseased cells begin to multiply and grow 5-10 times faster. Soon, immune cells join the process and blood vessels grow.
After the cells die off, keratinized areas remain on the smooth surface of the skin - convex psoriatic plaques. In addition to genetic predisposition - characteristics of immunity, skin structure, indirect causes have been identified that influence the initiation of the development of psoriasis.
Recent medical research shows a connection between the disease and other pathologies:
- metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, increased production of free radicals and nitrogen oxides involved in skin keratinization);
- atherosclerosis;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- liver and kidney pathologies;
- osteoporosis;
- obesity.
Risk factors include the following:
- smoking;
- alcohol abuse;
- change in weather conditions.
You cannot become infected through contact with a sick person; there are no external carriers of the disease. The inflammatory process occurs in the body, and a genetic predisposition to a characteristic illness cannot be ruled out. Other causes of psoriasis on the hands are detailed below:
- impaired metabolism;
- hormonal imbalance;
- occupational hazard;
- tendency to allergic reactions;
- presence of bad habits;
- poor nutrition;
- immune disorders of the body;
- violation of personal hygiene rules.
Dermatosis is heterogeneous. There are exogenous and endogenous triggers of the disease.
Exogenous factors include environmental temperature fluctuations, bad habits, prolonged use of medications, infections, injuries and an atherogenic nutritional profile. Endogenous factors include hereditary predisposition, weakened immunity, stress and sensitization of the body.
Provoking factors trigger the development of the pathological process. Modern dermatologists tend to consider psoriasis of the palms and soles to be the result of a combination of several triggers.
The causes of the disease are not fully understood. Scientists identify several theories:
- Psoriasis is a genetic disease.
- Psoriasis appears due to disorders of the immune, endocrine, and nervous systems.
- Psoriasis is a disease that appears due to poor ecology and the accumulation of harmful substances in the body.
When these reasons combine, psoriasis appears. However, the main factor is still genetic: scientists have identified several genes that are responsible for the onset of the disease.
Factors that provoke the appearance of psoriasis:
- stressful situations;
- hazardous industries, especially those with high concentrations of phenols;
- injuries, abrasions, burns: sometimes psoriasis appears in these places;
- alcohol, smoking;
- infections: especially streptococcal;
- incorrect selection of certain medications.
Why does palm psoriasis develop?
Psoriasis can appear in a person regardless of age and gender. However, there are some statistics that indicate the frequent development of the disease between the ages of 30 and 50 years.
Scientists have found that the main reason for the development of the disease is dysfunction of the human immune system and genetic predisposition. However, these facts have not been fully proven and to this day the clear causes of psoriasis remain unclear. The main factors that provoke palmar psoriasis include the following reasons:
- Decreased immunity.
- Mechanical damage to the palms.
- Frequent hand contact with water.
- Contact of the skin of the hands with chemicals, for example, household chemicals, as well as various products at work.
- Often the cause is diseases such as scarlet fever, chronic tonsillitis, kidney disease and other diseases.
- Oncology.
Doctors attribute alcohol abuse, drug use and certain medications as another cause of the disease.
The main manifestations of psoriasis of the palms
It is worth noting that this type of disease occurs mainly in people who engage in physical work associated with stress on their hands. In medical practice, it is customary to distinguish three types of disease. These include:
- Plaque-fan-shaped.
- Circular.
- Calloused.
Types of psoriasis on the hands
Localization of psoriasis on the hands | Description of the problem |
On the palms | Redness of the surface of the skin of the palms, itching, roughening of the top layer, the appearance of calluses. Externally, many people confuse palmar psoriasis with mycosis or eczema. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to consult a specialist. |
On the hands and fingers | Inflammation, swelling of the fingers, peeling, cracking of the skin, pain and itching. |
Depending on the localization of the process and the specific location of the appearance of the primary lesions, several types of hand psoriasis are distinguished:
- Pustular - the most dangerous type, affects any skin. First, small spots appear on the phalanges of the fingers and palms, involving the nail plates. Then the spots merge, fill with pus, the lesion spreads to the hands and other areas, causing swelling and degenerative changes in the organs.
- Drop-shaped - rashes are pale pink, convex, shaped like small drops. It is localized on the shoulders and forearms, growing to cover a wide area.
- Nail – This type of psoriasis leads to changes in the appearance of the nails and nail bed. A "thimble symptom" is observed when the color of the nail plates changes and small indentations and grooves form on them. At the same time, the nails thicken and begin to peel off, until they are completely lost.
- Plaque (Vulgar) – ranks first in prevalence. These are typical psoriatic plaques with a tendency to merge and form "paraffin lakes. "They appear above the elbow joints, on the extensor surface of the arms, and affect the palms. Palmar psoriasis is characterized by coarsening of the epidermis and the formation of cracking callus-like tubercles on the surface of the dermis.
Stages of the disease
At the initial stage of psoriasis of the hands, even before the first rash appears, the following disorders can be recognized:
- swelling is observed in the joint area;
- the skin takes on a reddish tint in places;
- the nail plates become inflamed.

The following stages of psoriasis on the hands are distinguished:
- Exacerbation is a progressive stage of the disease. It is characterized by an increase in the number and size of spots, increased itching and flaking.
- Stationary stage - it is characterized by attenuation of the disease, a change in the color of psoriatic plaques (they become less red, whiter), as well as a decrease in spots.
- The remission stage is characterized by the complete disappearance of all signs of psoriasis.

Looking at hands affected by psoriasis is extremely unpleasant. But the disease is so common that people must know what psoriasis looks like on their hands in order to detect the problem in time and begin treatment of the disease in a timely manner.
Hand psoriasis develops gradually. Doctors note that in medicine there are several stages of the disease, which imperceptibly replace each other in the absence of timely therapy. The clinical outcome for the patient depends entirely on the therapeutic measures of timely response. The development and signs of different stages of psoriasis of the upper extremities are as follows:
- Initial stage. Small round papules have clear boundaries. At first they are solitary, but 2-3 days after peeling of the dermis they spread and cover large areas of the lesion.
- Progressive stage. Painful nodules are distinguished by a bright red tint, and in the center there is peeling of the epidermis with the formation of crusts. Pathology is preceded by microtrauma of the skin.
- Stationary stage. The once red rashes become bluish and dry out. The inflammatory process reduces its intensity, the itching stops, but hyperemia of the skin is present.
- Regressive stage. Local manifestations of psoriasis reduce intensity, and once painful lesions resolve. There is a long period of remission, no peeling, but white spots with clear boundaries are visible.
Psoriasis of any form and localization, including psoriasis of the skin of the hands, goes through 3 stages:
- Progressive stage (exacerbation) - spots grow, new ones appear, manifestations of psoriasis intensify.
- Stationary stage - the manifestations of the disease fade, the spots turn pale and decrease in size.
- Regressive stage (remission) - manifestations disappear completely.
The initial stage of psoriasis of the arms and hands can manifest itself in different ways: either faint spots appear, barely noticeable, or immediately bright, as in the acute stage (less often).
Features of therapy in pregnant women and children
Due to the weakened immunity of the mother and the immature immune system of the child, treatment of eczema on the fingers requires:
- Adjusting the diet of a nursing mother and child, limiting milk intake, eating green fruits and vegetables and fermented milk products. At an older age, it is necessary to exclude flour products, smoked meats and foods high in salt from the child’s menu.
- Taking vitamin complexes to support the immune system of a pregnant woman.
- One of the recommended measures is to limit contact with household chemicals and water.
- Use of antihistamine ointments or dermatotropic agents.
For the treatment of children, the following drugs may be prescribed:
- Making lotions based on boric acid
- Taking calcium-based medications, taking into account the reduced content of this microelement, characteristic of this pathology in children.
- The use of ointments containing antibiotics is practiced to relieve symptoms of severe infection.
- The use of antihistamines to reduce the intensity of itching.

A set of measures aimed at the recovery of mother and child should include compliance with personal hygiene standards and maintaining the sanitary condition of the premises.
Psoriasis on hands
Official medicine classifies hand psoriasis as a chronic disease with a multifactorial etiology. This means that the exact causes of the disease have not been established and doctors consider them as possible factors. Doctors classify it as a skin disease based on its main symptoms - red scaly plaques that appear on the skin. But the culprit of the disease is hidden deep inside the human body.
In the course of long studies of the mechanism of psoriasis development, scientists have identified a connection with autoimmune failure.
The first signs of psoriasis appear on the hands in the form of small red papules with clear contours. 2-3 days pass and the papules become covered with scales. Then a long process of progression of the disease begins, marked by periods of exacerbation and remission. Thus, psoriasis that initially occurs between the fingers can spread to the entire surface of the palm. Single plaques grow and merge, forming a continuous scaly crust. The photo clearly shows what psoriasis looks like on your hands.

The first changes form on the back of the hand, gradually affecting the sides of the hand. Unnoticeable at the beginning of the negative process, they lead to an obvious cosmetic defect, when it is already difficult for a person to hide the presence of the disease. What could happen?
Symptoms of psoriasis on the hands
Symptoms characteristic of psoriasis on the hands should be considered in the context of their manifestation on any part of the patient’s body. When the lesion begins, small areas of the dermis are affected, but the process does not end there and over time, plaques can cover the entire hand. General symptoms look like this:
- the appearance of small papules;
- scale formation;
- dryness and peeling of the skin of the hands;
- nail plates lose their natural color, their structure changes;
- signs of skin hyperemia;
- the skin in the affected area becomes reddish;
- pain appears in the joints;
- feelings of internal discomfort.
We have given general signs of the disease, but experts subdivide them according to the stages of the disease.
What forms of the disease exist?
The versatility of the manifestations of psoriasis that doctors encountered forced them to describe the various forms of the disease. Experts have combined existing species into two main groups: pustular and non-pustular.
The pustular group includes the following forms of the disease:
- generalized;
- similar to annular centrifugal erythema;
- palmoplantar.
The non-pustular group contains:
- classic form of psoriasis with early or late onset;
- psoriatic erythroderma.
The presented classification does not include such types of disease as seborrheic-like, exudative, Napkin's disease, atypical and drug-induced psoriasis.
Reasons for the formation of psoriasis on the hands
Among all the places that the disease affects, the hands account for 85% of all diagnoses. Many years of observations of patients suffering from an unpleasant disease have led scientists to the conclusion that the causes of psoriasis on the hands depend on the gender and age of the patient.
Psoriasis is extremely rare in black people. A scientific explanation for this fact has not yet been received.
What causes psoriasis on the hands of women?

What doctors call genetic predisposition is the main reason. It is noteworthy that even if the woman’s parents did not have psoriasis, then probably one of her relatives had such a diagnosis. Other reasons include:
- climate features (very humid, cold or hot);
- hormonal imbalances;
- bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs);
- stress and nervous tension;
- taking antibiotics, some vaccines, overdose of vitamin preparations;
- injuries, burns, cuts.
These same reasons can cause an exacerbation of the disease. It is difficult to eliminate the listed factors from your life, but some of them can be eliminated.
What causes psoriasis on the hands of men?
Trying to identify the main ones, doctors were forced to admit that they could not establish them with high accuracy. The basis for the occurrence of psoriasis on the hands of men is a malfunction of the immune system, which is expressed by:
- improper metabolism;
- imbalance of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism;
- increased sugar levels;
- cholesterol.
A greater likelihood of developing psoriasis awaits those males who already have people in their family who have suffered from this disease. The reasons may be:
- chronic lack of sleep;
- poor nutrition;
- cold climate.
Those who moved from the southern country to the northern region say that the cold climate provokes an exacerbation of the disease and is difficult to treat.
Causes of psoriasis on the hands of children
In recent years, cases of diagnosis have become more frequent. It often takes on a generalized form, with plaques covering large areas of the body. The first thing that is determined as the cause of the disease is a hereditary factor. According to statistics, among parents of psoriasis patients, the child will inherit the disease in 50% of cases. In addition to genetics, the disease can be caused by:
- childhood infectious diseases (measles, ARVI, tonsillitis);
- stressful situations;
- severe fear, loss of a loved one;
- heat stroke;
- unbalanced diet;
- hypothermia of the body;
- predisposition to allergies.
Diagnosis of the disease
It is enough for a doctor to know what psoriasis looks like on the hands to make an accurate diagnosis. No specific studies are carried out to establish the disease. If the patient says that the plaques on his hands have appeared for a long time, then the doctor may prescribe additional tests. Their list includes:
- blood biochemistry;
- general blood test to determine the amount of ESR;
- testing for rheumatoid factor and the presence of specific proteins;
- a biopsy performed to detect immature skin cells, accumulations of Rete bodies, macrophages and T-leukocytes.
How to treat psoriasis on your hands?
Treatment of psoriasis on the hands depends entirely on the stage of the disease. Although the disease cannot be cured, when using an integrated approach to treatment, the symptoms become almost invisible, and remission lasts quite a long time.
External means
At the initial and middle stages of the disease, it is sufficient to use medications for external use. These can be creams and ointments from different groups:
- Non-hormonal. As a rule, they do not give side effects, and their effect is mild and gentle.
- Hormonal.
These remedies are used when pronounced symptoms appear (persistent rash, brittle nails) when other ointments do not help. Prescribed only by a doctor, they can have strong side effects. The frequency and duration of use of external agents depends on the severity of symptoms: 1-2 times a day for 10-20 days. After each course a break is required.
Systemic medications
Tablets and injections are prescribed when external medications are ineffective in the later stages of psoriasis on the hands:
- Tablets: antihistamine, anti-inflammatory. Drugs from the groups of cytostatics, monoclonal antibodies, immunosuppressants, immunomodulators, sedatives, and vitamins are also used.
- Injections: antihistamines, hepatoprotectors, immunosuppressants, immunomodulators, hormonal.
The form and type of the drug depends on the stage of the disease and the intensity of its manifestations. The use of systemic medications is carried out only under the supervision of a physician.
Physiotherapy and traditional methods
Psoriasis is a long-term disease with many-sided symptoms. Therefore, treatment is always comprehensive. Alternative methods can be used:
- Physiotherapy: phototherapy, bioresonance and PUVA therapy, cryotherapy, ozone therapy, ichthyotherapy.
- Folk remedies: birch tar, linseed or sea buckthorn oil, aloe, bay leaf, baking soda, sea salt, etc.
Their purpose and use should also be agreed with a dermatologist.
Using Herbs
Many medicinal herbs have the following properties:
- anti-inflammatory;
- regenerating;
- antibacterial.
To treat psoriasis of the palms, celandine, St. John's wort, horsetail, oregano, nettle and others are used. An infusion or decoction is prepared from herbs. They are also used to add to the bathroom.
Treatment with soda
One of the methods that alternative medicine offers to get rid of psoriasis on the palms is treatment with regular baking soda. Its use has the following effect on the affected skin:
- cleansing;
- softening;
- elimination of inflammatory processes;
- improvement of local blood circulation;
- eliminates peeling;
- relieves itching.
The recipe for preparing a solution for external use is quite simple: dilute a certain amount of the product in purified water. You should get a viscous mushy mixture. This product must be applied to disease-affected areas. No need to rinse off.
Prevention: what rules must be followed
It will be easier to cure psoriasis on the hands if, if possible, the factors that provoke it are eliminated or minimized. In this case, the treatment will be much more effective, and the progression of the disease will stop.
Correct therapy, even at the earliest stage, can only be prescribed by a specialist, so an examination is mandatory. As well as using all available methods and means: from ointments and creams to injections, tablets and physiotherapy. The doctor will prescribe the order and dosage, but we must not forget about prevention even at the regression stage. Hands should be treated with the utmost care: the use of protective creams and the exclusion of aggressive household chemicals.